Al Qaed Al Sagheer Podcast | بودكاست القائد الصغير - 037 - صراعات يومية | Daily Challenges

stoires for kids

Al Qaed Al Sagheer Podcast

حلقة نعرض فيها تحديات يومية نخوضها مع أطفالنا، تتطلب من الأم تطوير مهاراتها في حل المشاكل بطريقة صحية  حتى تراعي الصحة النفسية للطفل بعيدا عن الغضب والتوتر والانهيار العاطفي. تابعونا لمعرفة بعض الحلول والأفكار التي نقدمها.Instagram: @bylinaandhelda In this episode we speak openly about the daily challenges we face with our children. We remind one another as difficult as it could be to take a deep breath and stay away from ego, anger and finger blaming to protect our child’s mental and emotional health. Tune in to find out some of the ideas and tips we suggest to handle the daily challenges.See for privacy information.

About episode

حلقة نعرض فيها تحديات يومية نخوضها مع أطفالنا، تتطلب من الأم تطوير مهاراتها في حل المشاكل بطريقة صحية  حتى تراعي الصحة النفسية للطفل بعيدا عن الغضب والتوتر والانهيار العاطفي. تابعونا لمعرفة بعض الحلول والأفكار التي نقدمها. Instagram: @bylinaandhelda  In this episode we speak openly about the daily challenges we face with our children. We remind one another as difficult as it could be to take a deep breath and stay away from ego, anger and finger blaming to protect our child’s mental and emotional health. Tune in to find out some of the ideas and tips we suggest to handle the daily challenges. See for privacy information.


Season 1
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Let's talk

We know you love a little connection. So do we.

Sowt embraces its people and we’re constantly growing our team of talents and community that share our values, and above all, our passion. You’re one of us for the long haul no matter how you contribute to Sowt.

The beautiful thing about it is that we have a non-negotiable work-life balance situation that is set in stone. You know enough about us by now to see what we may have in common. So, let’s huddle and have a good time.

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